Independent Agent for Combined Insurance, Holistic wellness advocate.
E L E G A N T, delicate, feminine… strong at the same time. This incredible woman who not only conquered cancer but brightens any room she walks in with her warmth and wisdom.
It was an honor to Celebrate You Terri.
Her story, her words ...
I love the idea of showcasing women by highlighting and embracing who we truly are. Photographs are often a window to the soul and a way of expressing our individuality and strengths as women.
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in February of 2021. I healed by having surgery and then taking a holistic approach with a diet and lifestyle change.
Do not sweat the small stuff. Having cancer forced me to realize that I wasn’t properly handling stress and to focus more on things that really matter. I’m also more present and in the moment, rather than always thinking ahead to the future.
Let go and Let God. I know it sounds cliche but I tried to control too much and that caused a lot of stress. Everything happens for a reason and each closed door just means there is an even better opportunity.
One of my favorite phrases is ‘grace and space’: grace for ourselves and others and being gentle with imperfections or struggles while providing the necessary room (space) for growth and self-care.
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